Thursday, November 14, 2013

Local News Source: WDRB story lacks newsworthiness
When listing the seven basic yardsticks of journalism, usually "Newsworthiness" comes up first.  However, in the WDRB story "Coach Walz buys a round for 2500 fans", newsworthiness doesn't come to mind.  This story is about the University of Louisville women's basketball coach who paid for drink vouchers to be given to the first 2500 fans attending the women's basketball game to thank them for their support.  The promotion is called "Thirsty Thursday", and the picture in the story shows the Budweiser logo.  This is more of an advertising piece than a news item. Not only is WDRB promoting Anheuser Busch products, but they also are encouraging people to attend the women's basketball game... hoping that they make the cut for a free beverage, courtesy of Coach Walz.  Additionally, WDRB didn't earn any bonus points when they missed the opportunity to add the public service message of "enjoy your beverage responsibly".

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