Thursday, November 14, 2013

Local News Source: WDRB
WDRB values the importance of reporting international stories that give their audience a global  view of the world.  Their segment, "All Around the World in 60 Seconds" is a quick look at headlines from around the world.  Although there is not enough time devoted to the segment to provide in-depth detail, it is a way to introduce viewers to important topics impacting the world.  From a financial standpoint, this allows for WDRB to present news stories without the expense of traveling to the location.  All that is required is a voice-over of the news anchor to read the headlines while showing edited video footage from the parent station.  This international minute of news is not necessarily a way to grab the attention of viewers, but these stories add sophistication for those who have an interest in world events or for the immigrants of the community who are eager for news from their homeland. Fortunately, WDRB has what other TV news stations lack...A look at the stories that impact the world.  (Unfortunately, WDRB does not feature any of these international headlines on their website.)

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